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Roof Damage Claims

Maple Leaf Public Adjusters is here to provide you with the most compensation for your roof damage claim in Florida. We understand how critical your roof is to your home and property quality. Our top-tier adjusters will assess the destruction and negotiate directly with your insurance provider. We’ll make sure to thoroughly inspect for damage caused by water, natural disasters, and any other unforeseen circumstances so you can focus on getting your property back together and functioning like normal again.

clay roof tiles

 Roof Damage Claims

three people in frame discussing things

What Will My Claims Adjuster Do?

Assessing roof damages can be surprisingly complex. Though collapse or deterioration is usually caused by moisture or by a natural disaster, there are many reasons why your roof could sustain damages. Outside elements are only a small part of why your roof might suffer. Factors such as your roof’s construction quality and the materials used to build your roof will also be an important part to restoring your property back to its original design, and making sure we can recover enough money to do so.  Your roof is among the essential components of your home. Your roof provides shelter from the elements and keeps intruders away. That’s why you need a trusted and trained public adjuster to consider the following variables while assessing your claim:

  • Materials: Our adjuster will assess your roof’s materials and determine their quality.
  • Construction: A public adjuster will determine how the roof was constructed, so we can make sure to estimate correctly.
  • Severity: The adjuster assigned to your claim is trained to examine the long and short-term effects of your damage.
  • Scope: You’ll need an adjuster who can document every detail of your damage, what will be required for repairs, and the total amount of compensation you should receive.

Rebuild Your Home With a Free Inspection

If your roof has collapsed or is on the verge of collapse or has been severely damaged, you may feel powerless, but help is on the way. During your free inspection, we will walk you through and ensure you have all the materials and documents needed to present a viable case. We serve as genuine advocates for our clients, and we don’t stop fighting until just compensation is administered.

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