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Theft Claims

Maple Leaf Public Adjusters will provide homeowners and commercial property owners assistance with their theft damage claims in Florida. We provide the most trusted public adjusters to pursue compensation after your home or business is burglarized and destroyed. Our free inspections offer detailed evidence of your property damage and will provide an in-depth estimation for your reimbursement. We back our estimates with evidence and facts, producing favorable conditions for your case.

What Is the Filing Process?

The aftermath of a burglary or vandalism can be challenging. Aside from processing your pain and trauma, you’ll also need to attend to the more tedious aspects, such as paperwork and documentation. Here’s what you should do to solidify your case and your negotiation:

Notifying Your Insurance Provider

Filing a police report and notifying your insurance carrier is an essential first step in the filing process. Doing so will lend credibility and a sense of urgency to your case.

Collect and Take Documentation

Police will photograph and document your broken or damaged items for you to collect and later add to your case. Meanwhile, you should make a list of missing and stolen items.

Make Temporary Item Repairs

Feel free to make temporary repairs for your broken items if you can but ensure that damage is preserved so your adjuster can conduct a proper investigation.

Understand Your Insurance Policy

You’ll need to know the ins and outs of your insurance plan if you believe you deserve compensation for your losses. Make sure your claim aligns with the terms of your policy. We can help with a free policy review.

Present a Strong Negotiation

If you have all the necessary documents and evidence of your burglary damages, we can now proceed with negotiating compensation for your case. A strong negotiation is built upon excellent documentation.

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A Few Notes on Policy Compliance

After a theft, be sure to request a free policy review from our trained and experienced adjusters. Our consultants will evaluate the details of your policy and determine whether the following terms are included during your free policy review:

  • Proof of Loss: Some insurance providers may require you to file a proof of loss along with a sworn statement within a specific period.
  • Item Replacement: Your policy may permit your insurance provider to replace your stolen items rather than compensation for your losses.
  • Proper Receipts: Your policy may require you to present receipts—or some form of owner verification—if you can do so.

Restore Your Peace of Mind With a Free Inspection

You may feel hopeless after a burglary or vandalism occurs, but you’re not alone. Our public adjusters are on standby to provide you with a free inspection that meets your needs. We’ll conduct a thorough investigation that provides accurate information and honest estimates for your compensation.

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